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Index to Articles


Cumulative Index: 1981-2022



Chimes M. The ‘Palmergram’ and B.J.’s goodwill ambassadors, a personal memoir. 1998;18(1):15-16.

Gilman C. Epigramania revisited. 1996;16(2):81-82.

Gromala T. Broadsides, epigrams, and testimonials: the evolution of chiropractic advertising. 1984;4:40-45.

Hug PR. Maturity in the chiropractic media from advertising to public education. 2011;31(2):10-19.

Johnson CD, Green BN. Advertising in chiropractic, 1939-1944: an introspective look at the early years of the Chirogram. 1996;16(2):51-56.

Villaneuva-Russell Y. Early advertising and practice building in chiropractic: 1920-1950. 2006;26(2):35-47.

Willis JC. Early educational tracts helped to build chiropractic. 1999;19(2):16-18.



Callender A. Letter. First black woman chiropractor. 2022;42(2):6.

Foley J, Mirasol J. Valdeenia “Lillard” Simons: revealing the ruse and evaluating her impact on the persona of Harvey Lillard. 2017;27(2):54-70.

Gibbons RW, Wiese GC. Fred Rubel: the first black chiropractor? 1991;l l (1):8-9.

Tutashinda K. African Americans, chiropractic and social change, 1895-1941. 1995;15(2):115-117.

Westbrooks B. Troubled legacy of Harvey Lillard: the black experience in chiropractic. 1982;2:46-53.

Wiese G. Beyond Jim Crow experience: blacks in chiropractic education. 1994;14(1):14-20.




Bhatti J, Callender A. Grown up girls: a history of chiropractic assistants. 2015;35(2):40-50.



Bovine G. John Atkinson (1854-1904), the English bonesetter of Park Lane: his visit to America, bonesetting techniques, and the Atkinson connection to chiropractic. 2013;33(1):52-64.

Bovine, G. The Bohemian thrust: Frank Dvorsky, the Bohemian “napravit” bonesetter. 2011;31(1):39-46.

Bovine, G. Manipulative techniques of the British bonesetters. 2021;41(2):53-68.

Cottam C, Smith EM. Roots of cranial manipulation: Nephi Cottam and 'craniopathy.' 1981;1:30-35.

Green, BN. Gloom or boom for chiropractic in its second century? A comparison of the demise of alternative healing professions. 1994;14(2):23.



Beideman RP. Oakley Smith's schism of 1908: the rise and decline of naprapathy. 1994;14(2):45.

Bovine G. Dr. Daisy Challiss Faust (1868-1939-43?): chiropractor, naprapath, artist. 2016;36(1):8-15.

Zarbuck MV. A profession for 'Bohemian chiropractic': Oakley Smith and the evolution of naprapathy. 1986;6:76-82.



Smith B. Carl Schultz, M.D., D.O., D.C., L.L.B., 1849-1935. 2001;21(2):77-100.



Cooper GS. The attitude of organized medicine toward chiropractic: a sociohistorical perspective. 1985;5:19-25.

Gibbons RW. The stream from the fountainhead: a 1920 report by AMA's Council on Medical Education. 1993;13(1):8-9.

Lawrence DJ. Wilk v American Medical Association, 895 F.2d 352 (7th Cir. 1990): the battle is not yet won. 2010; 30(2):41-47.

Mirtz TA. Organized medicine in Kansas: tracing medicine’s development and attitude toward irregular practices and indirect role in public science education. 2001;21(2):37-61.



Vear HJ. The anatomy of a policy reversal: the APHA and chiropractic. 1969 to 1983. 1987;7(2):17-22.



Anderson RT. On doctors and bonesetters in the 16th and 17th centuries. 1983;3:10-15.

Beck BL. Magnetic healing, spiritualism and chiropractic: Palmer’s union of methodologies, 1886-1895. 1991;11(2):10-16.

Bovine G. From the Greek exarthrema, pararthrema, to the Latin luxatio, subluxatio: origins and early definitions of the word ‘subluxation.’ 2019;38(1):12-19.

Bovine G. Hippocrates’ manual manipulation of the spine: high velocity thrust or pressure technique? 2015;35(2):80-89.

Bovine G. Hippocrates’ manual manipulation of the spine revisited. 2019(2):11-18.

Bovine G. Illustrations of vertebral manual therapy from Hippocrates 500 BCE to D.D. Palmer 1906. 2022;42(2):28-36.

Bovine G. John Evans Riadore, MD, MRCSE and LSA 1818 FLS, FRCS (Sen) 1852; Irritation of the spinal nerves. 2012;32(1):49-57.

Bovine G. The Nicetas Codex manuscript: Hippocratic 10th century writing in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana. 2018;(38)2:14-18.

Bovine G. William Jasper Atkinson, M.D. (1842-1898): chiropractic and the Atkinson connection revealed. 2017;37(1):17-26.

Foley J. Dr. Atkinson . . . found? 2018;38(1):7-10.

Foley J, Faulkner T, Zins S. Abba Lord: D.D. Palmer’s first wife and a powerful influence on his future. 2017; 37(1):7-15.

Gaucher-Peslherbe PL. Defining the debate: exploration of the factors that influenced chiropractic's founder. 1988;8(1):14-18.

Jacelone P. The ancient philosophic roots of chiropractic in literature. 1989;9(2):44-49.

Jolliot C. Chiropractic and vitalism: a strange conceptual encounter. 2005;25(2):49-54.

McDowall D. Before chiropractors and osteopaths did anything, an English physician did it all: a comparative review of Edward Harrison’s tome. 2007;27(2):79-86.

McDowall D, Chaseling M, Emmanel E, Grace S. Daniel David Palmer, the father of chiropractic: his heritage revisited. 2019;39(1):25-40.

Mirtz TA. Biomedicine throughout history and the development of science as it relates to manipulative therapeutics. 2003;23(2):59-67.

Moore JS. Prelude to chiropractic: doctor books, anodynes, and back pain in nineteenth-century America. 2009;29(2):45-60.

Smith BA. Divinely inspired? An interesting event in 1672. 2008;28(1):55-57.

Terret AJ. The search for the subluxation: an investigation of medical literature to 1895. 1987; 7(1):28-33.

Victory KS. Spinal manipulation in the 11th century Middle East. 1993;13(1):12-13.

Wardwell WI. Before the Palmers: an overview of chiropractic’s antecedents. 1987;7(2):26-33.

Wiggins D, Engel R. D.D. Palmer’s connection to spiritualism as a catalyst for the biased portrayal of chiropractic by contemporary sensationalist-style writers. 2020;40(1):27-36.



Foley TD. Davenport’s Ryan Building, birthplace of chiropractic: an architectural and historical examination. 2017;37(2):7-11.



Keating JC Jr, Davison RD. A synopsis of the contents of the Texas Chiropractic College Library Special Collection. 1997;17(1):37-40.

Wiese G. From recordgraph to electronic files: preservation of chiropractic’s audio recordings at Palmer College of Chiropractic. 2009;29(1):17-33.

Wiese G. Three oldest chiropractic diplomas. 1999;19(1):21-22.

Wiese G, Irvine K, Thomas M. A survey of chiropractic college archives in the United States and Canada. 1990;10(1):12-17.

Wiese G, Lykins MR. A bibliography of the Palmer Green Books in print. 1906-1985. 1986;6:64-74.



Callender AK. Remembering our own. 2008;28(2):71-79.

Editor. 19th annual conference of the Association for the History of Chiropractic. 1999;19(1)14-15.

Editor. AHC/Davenport: making history at the Centennial. 1995:15(2):5.

Editor. AHC: the first fifteen. 1995;15(2):6.

Herrity R. 2002 annual conference held at Western States Chiropractic College. 2002;22(1):21-22.

Herrity R. The 24th annual conference of the Association for the History of Chiropractic. 2004;24(2):9-11.  

Herrity R, Hynes RJR. The Association for the History of Chiropractic 28th annual conference. 2008;28(2):99-100.

Herrity R, Hynes RJR. 23rd Conference on Chiropractic History held in New Orleans. 2003;23(1):7-8.

Hynes RA. The Association for the History of Chiropractic’ 34th annual conference. 2014;34(2):73-74.

Hynes RA. The 33rd annual conference of the Association for the History of Chiropractic. 2015;35(2):91-92.

Hynes RA, Hynes RJR. The 40th annual conference of the Association for the History of Chiropractic. 2021;41(2):69-73.

Hynes RA, Hynes RJR. The 41st annual conference of the Association for the History of Chiropractic. 2022;42(2):70-73.

Hynes RJR. The 39th annual conference of the Association for the History of Chiropractic. 2019;39(2):83-85.

Johnson C. The Association for the History of Chiropractic celebrates 25 years: 1980 to 2005. 2005;25(2):13-15.

Johnson CD, Green BN. 21st Conference on Chiropractic History held at Palmer West. 2001;21(1):11-18.

Keating JC Jr. The AHC in Phoenix. 2005:25(1):10.

Willis JC. Notes from the editor. 2007;27(2):3-7



Willis JC. Chiropractic panel at the 1995 Conference of the Association for the History of Medicine. 1995;15(1):7.



++Anderson, Appa

Young KJ. Appa Anderson, D.C., N.D., D.A.C.B.R.; the first female chiropractic radiologist. 2003;23(1):33-39.

++Anderson, George Emmet

Gayman PG, DiLeo PS. Pacific States Chiropractic College: the legacy of George Emmet Anderson, D.C. 1998;18(1):69-76.

++Anderson, John Gordon (1916-

Keating JC Jr, Siordia L.  Dr. John Gordon Anderson, Grand old man of chiropractic education 2005;25(1):23-34.

++Arnold, Alma (1871-1938)

Gibbons RW. The search for Alma Arnold: chiropractic’s forgotten woman pioneer. 1903-1938. 1996;16(2):17-27.

Parker S, Callender A. Alma Arnold, chiropractic’s woman pioneer: the search continued. 2020;40(1):12-29.

++Ashworth, Sylva A. (1874-1958)

Keating JC Jr, Cleveland CS. Sylva A. Ashworth, D.C., the Grand Old Lady of Chiropractic. 1992;12(2):14-23.

Plamondon RL. The 'Grand Old Lady' continued, letter to the editor. 1993;13(1):7.

++Ashworth-Cleveland, Ruth Rose

Nash J. Ruth Rose Ashworth-Cleveland: a pioneer's journey as seen through personal letters. 1999;19(1):33-44.

++Atkinson, William J.

Bovine G. Letter. William Jasper (Jas, James, Jim?) Atkinson. What’s in a name? 2020;40(1)7-8.

Bovine G. William Jasper Atkinson, M.D. (1842-1898): chiropractic and the Atkinson connection revealed. 2017;37(1):17-26.

Foley J. Dr. Atkinson . . . found? 2018;38(1):7-10.

Wiggins D, Engel R. D.D. Palmer’s connection to spiritualism as a catalyst for the biased portrayal of chiropractic by contemporary sensationalist-style writers. 2020;40(1):27-36.

++Auerbach, Gary

Callender AK. “With no funding . . .”: the story of Gary Auerbach, D.C., and the founding of the World Federation of Chiropractic. 2010; 30(2):25-30.

++Barge, Fredrick H. E.

Harris SL, Tuttle C, Wisdo J, Lee K. Fredrick H.E. Barge, D.C., Ph.C., F.I.C.A., S.C.S., L.S.A.: chiropractic’s articulate crusader. 2003;23(2):17-18.

Hynes RJR. Letter. Elephants in my room – a lesson in civility. 2022;42(2)5-6.

Keating JC Jr. Fred. 2003;23(2):7-15.

++Beideman, Ronald P.

Editor. Ronald P. Beideman:1926-2002. 2002;22(1):19.

++Berton family

Editor. 2006;26(1):9-11.

++Bowie, Robert Contee

Dodge HH. Letter to the editor. 1996:16(2):4-5.

Willis JR. Robert Contee Bowie: The 1989 recipient of the Lee-Homewood Chiropractic Heritage Award. 1989;9(2):58-60.

++Boyle, Frederick

Weiss RL. Citizen, veteran, chiropractor: the life of Frederick Boyle. 2014;34(2):66-72.

++Brown, Martin P. M.D., D.C.

Brown MD. Overlooked! Back on record, Martin P. Brown, M.D., D.C. 2004;24(2):27-34.

++Budden, W.A.

Gatterman MI. W.A. Budden: the transition through proprietary education. 1924-1954. 1982;2:21-15.

++Butters, O.P.

Waters T, Wolfe JB. Psychiropathy: the first ever legislation to authorize chiropractic practice, its author and his influence on B.J. Palmer and S.M. Langworthy. 2019;39(1):14-20.

++Cale, Charles Augustus

Smith BA. Charles Augustus Cale, N.D., D.C. Ph.C., M.C. 1870-1938: the educator from Indiana 2005;25(1):79-108.

Smith BA. No stone unturned. 2005;25(1):109-110.

Smith BA. Follow-up on Dr. Charles Cale’s grave and Brian Smith’s article. 2005;25(2):11-12.

++Carver, Willard

Jackson RB. Willard Carver, LL.B., D.C., 1866-1943: Doctor, lawyer, Indian chief, prisoner and more. 1994;14(2):13.

++Caster, Paul

Jackson RB. The chiropractic heritage of Paul Caster, magnetic healer. 1996;16(2):57-65.

++Chance, Mary Ann (1937-2008)

Ebrall P. In memoriam: Mary Ann Chance, D.C., F.I.C.C., F.A.C.C., October 1937-June 2008. 2008;28(1):13-16.

++Cleveland, Millie

Nash J. Dr. Millie Cleveland: chiropractic achiever. 1998;18(1):47-51.

++Coiner, Robert Luther

Foley TD. Virginia’s first chiropractors. 2020;40(2):12-16.

++Coggins, William N.

Fay LE. Seventh annual honorary membership of the A.H.C., the Lee‑Homewood Award to William N. Coggins, D.C., LL.D. 1987;7(1):42-43.

++Cooley, C. Sterling

Keating JC Jr, Foderaro F. C. Sterling Cooley, D.C., F.I.C.C.: politician, innate fundamentalist and Palmer historian. 1999;19(1):75-95.

++Cottam, Nephi

Cottam C, Smith EM. Roots of cranial manipulation: Nephi Cottam and 'craniopathy.' 1981;1:30-35.

++Coxon, Victor

Hart JF. Victor Coxon, member, B.J.'s Black Tie Club at Palmer. 1936-1941. 1998;18(2):25-31.

++ Cronk, Edith Margaret Stoke

Cronk P, Callender A. Edith Margaret Stoke Cronk, D.C. 2018;38(1):80-86.

++Davis, Andrew Paxton

Gibbons RW. Joy Loban and Andrew P. Davis: itinerant healers and schoolmen. 1910-1923. 1991;11(1):22-28.

++De Jarnette, Major Bertrand

Heese N. Major Bertrand De Jamette: six decades of sacro occipital research. 1924-1964. 1991;11(1):12-15.

++DeFinney, John P.

Brown DM. John P. DeFinney, D.C.: running to win for chiropractic. 2013;33(2):7-18.

++Devore, W.W.

Devore JW. W.W. DeVore, D.C., 1920-1998, chiropractic research pioneer and advocate. 2001;21(1):71-78.

++Dintefass, Julius

Willis JC.  Funerals and the chiropractic family: Julius Dintenfass, D.C.; Conrad Matz, Jr., D.C.; and John I. Fleet, Sr., D.C. 1997;17(2):22-24.

++Douglas, Adelbert

Storozuk AN. Dr. Adelbert C. Douglass; a great healer, a small town physician, one of the early chiropractors: an oral history. 1999;19(2):21-26.

++Elliott, Frank W.

Callender A. Cousin Frank and the halcyon days of the PSC. 2018;38(2):23-41.

++Ely, Andrew W.

Foley TD. Virginia’s first chiropractors. 2020;40(2):12-16.

++Faust, Daisy Challiss

Bovine G. Dr. Daisy Challiss Faust (1868-c1939-43?): chiropractor, naprapath, artist. 2016;36(1):8-15.

++Fishbein, Morris

Donahue JH. Morris Fishbein, M.D.: the 'Medical Mussolini' and chiropractic. 1996;16(1):39-49.

Willis JC. Morris Fishbein: he could still laugh. 2008;28(2):25-26.

++Flanagan, Charles Carroll (1893-1963)

Hynes RA. For the love of the game: the story of “Our Pat.” 2022;42(2):41-46.

++Fleet, John I.

Willis JC.  Funerals and the chiropractic family: Julius Dintenfass, D.C.; Conrad Matz, Jr., D.C. and John I. Fleet, Sr., D.C. 1997;17(2):22-24.

++Fleet, Thurman

Keating JC Jr, Fleet GT. Thurman Fleet, D.C. and the early years of the Concept Therapy Institute. 1997;17(1):57-65.

++Fuhr, Arlan W.

Coloma J, Green B. Warren C. Lee, D.C. and Arlan W. Fuhr, D.C., developers of Activator Methods chiropractic technique. 2002;22(2):45-46.

++Gaucher-Peslherbe, Pierre-Louis

Gibbons RW. Pierre Louis Gaucher-Peslherbe, 1943-1996. 1996;16(1):20-22.

++Giammarino, Michael

Young KJ. Michael A. Giammarino, D.C., D.A.C.B.R.: student, teacher, leader. 1998;18(2):33-38.

++Gibbons, Russell W.

Gibbons RW. Acceptance of the Lee-Homewood Award – remarks. 2004;24(2):17-18.

Troyanovich SJ. A moment of silence for Russell W. Gibbons, B.A., F.I.C.A., D.C. (hc), Litt.D. (hc), and alphabetic listing of Russell W. Gibbons’ Chiropractic History articles. 2010;30(2):11-14.

Willis JC. Presentation of the 2004 Lee-Homewood Chiropractic Heritage Award to Russell W. Gibbons, Mexico City, 22 May 2004. 2004;24(2):13-14.

++Gillet Family

Gillet J. A brief history of the Gillet family: three generations of chiropractors in Belgium. 1999;19(1):17-19.

Gillet J. History of chiropractic in Belgium: a personal narrative. 2007;27(1):43-55.

Wiese G. The Gillet family: Belgian chiropractic pioneers. 2004:24(2):55-58.

++Golden, Lorraine M.

Barnes T. Lorraine M. Golden, D.C., 1998 Lee-Homewood Chiropractic Heritage Award recipient. 1998;18(1):67-68.

Vallone SA, Barnes TA, Whittman R, Wendelgast L. Dr. Lorraine M. Golden – leading an eloquent life at Kentuckiana Children’s Center. 2007:27(2):21-33.

++Greenall, C.D.

Smith BA. C.D. Greenall, D.C. and the 1907 California Medical Practice Act. 1998;18(2):53-61.

Smith BA. The early years of chiropractic in California: the People v. C.D. Greenall. 1997;17(2):29-35.

++Greenawalt, Monte

Keating JC Jr. From the ground up: Monte Greenawalt and the early growth of the Foot Levelers’ tradition. 2002;22(1):79-91.

++Hagen, Beatrice B.

Keating JC Jr, Montgomery DP. Beatrice B. Hagen: the lady in charge. 2008;28(1):73-81.

++Haldeman, Almeda

Haldeman S. Almeda Haldeman, Canada's first chiropractor: pioneering the prairie provinces. 1907-1917. 1983;3:64-67.

++Harper, William David

Russell JM. Anything can cause anything: a belated tribute to a chiropractic icon – William David Harper, D.C., M.S., F.I.C.C. 2008;28(1):49-54.

++Haynes, George

Keating JC Jr, Siordia, L.  George Haynes and the quest for a higher standard. 2002;22(1):23-44.

++Helsley, Harold

Smoot R. Dr. Harold Helsley: An oral history. 2003;23(2):37-44.

++Hender, Alfred Baker

Callender A. A.B. Hender, M.D., Dean of the Palmer School of Chiropractic. 2020;40(2):81-91.

++Kaufmann, Alfred Frederick

Devereaux EP, O’Reilly BK, Cice J. Alfred Frederick Kaufmann: a pioneer of osteopathic and chiropractic education in Australia. 2020;40(2):21-41.

++Hidde, Orval L.

Keating JC Jr, Winterstein JJF, Siordia L. Orval L. Hidde, D.C., J.D., F.I.C.C.: profession builder. 2006;26(2):15-34.

++Higley, Henry G.

Keating JC Jr, Siordia L, Green B. Henry G. Higley: pioneer chiropractic scientist. 2004;24(1):35-60.

++Holmberg, William

Hynes RA. A tribute to William Holmberg, D.C. 2013:33(1):7-8.

++Homewood, Albert Earl

Armstrong A, Duryea A. Albert Earl Homewood: educator, scholar, innovator. 2003;23(1):39-41.

Lee HK. Secondary honorary membership: Albert Earl Homewood, D.C. 1982;(2):66-68.

++Howe, Joseph W.

Taylor JAM, Yochum TR. Joseph W. Howe: a pioneer in the evolution of chiropractic radiology. 1993;13(1):33-40.

Young KJ. Joseph W. Howe, D.C., D.A.C.B.R. and the development of modern chiropractic radiology. 1999;19(2):27-47.

++Hubbard, Elbert

Wiese G. With head, heart and hands: Elbert Hubbard’s impact on B.J. Palmer. 2003;23(2):27-35.

++Illi, Fred

Baker WJ. A clinical reformation in chiropractic: the research of Dr. Fred Illi. 1985;5:59-62.

Gaucher-Peslherbe PL. The making of a European chiropractor in the 20’s: Fred Illi and the Universal Chiropractic College in Pittsburgh, PA, 1925-1927. 1996;16(1):24-28.

++Jackson, Robert B.

Dean MS. Requiem for a Renaissance man: Robert B. Jackson. 2008;28(1):17-18.

++Janse, Joseph

Editor. Joseph Janse, D.C., 1909-1985: academic integrity, a sense of history. 1986;6:5.

Fay LE. Third honorary award: Joseph Janse. D.C., Sc.D. 1983;3:80-82.

Phillips R, Janse J. Joseph Janse: The formative years of a chiropractic educator, 1897-1920. 1988;8(2):10-17.

++Johnson, J. Bridgens

Hultgren G. Dr. J. Bridgens Johnson, pioneer chiropractor in South America. 2004;24(1):61-65.

++Johnston, Charles Robinson

Rehm WS. The man who made Peekskill famous: Dr. C.R. Johnston, first blind chiropractor. 1998;18(2):81-92.

++Johnson, Marjorie (1941- )

Wells BM, Hopkins K. Dr. Marjorie Johnson: trailblazer for women chiropractors. 2022;42(1):12-17.

++Keating, Joseph C., Jr. (1950-2007)

Green BN. In memoriam: Joseph C. Keating, Jr., Ph.D., Litt.D. 1950-2007. 2007;27(2):19-20.

Hynes RJR. Letter. Elephants in my room – a lesson in civility. 2022;42(2)5-6.

++Kennedy Family

Brown DM. The Kennedy clan of inquisitive chiropractors:1911-2010. 2011;31(1):19-34.

Kennedy AOH. First-person reminiscences, Logan College of Chiropractic. 2009;29(2):61-63.

++Kimmel, Edwin H.

Keating JC Jr.   Edwin H. Kimmel, D.C., D.A.B.C.O., F.I.C.C., F.A.C.C.: politician, scholar, teacher. 2003;23(1):43-73.

++Kjellveerg, Ernst

Rock BA. Ernst Kjellveerg: his influence on chiropractic in Queensland, Australia. 1989;9(1):10-14.

++Kolar, Francis

Gibbons RW. Francis Kolar and chromotherapy. 1991;11(1):10-11.

++Lake, Thomas T.

Gibbons RW. Thomas T. Lake and Endo-Nasal Therapeutics: pioneer medical-drugless ecumenism, 1938-1950. 2005;25(1):113-124.

++Langworthy, Solon Massey

Gibbons RW. Solon Massey Langworthy: keeper of the flame during the lost years of chiropractic. 1981;1:15.

Gibbons RW. A Langworthy sequel with B.J., c 1930. 2003;22(1):23-24.

Gibbons RW. Filling in the dates: completing the lives of two of chiropractic’s early pioneers. 2003;23(1):19-20.

Gibbons RW. Tale of the wandering tombstone: from Dubuque to Davenport. 2003;23(1):22-26.

Troyanovich SJ. Finding Langworthy: the final chapter of a personal quest. 2008;28(2):7-11.

Troyanovich SJ. Notes from the editor. 2014;34(2):6.

Troyanovich SJ, Gibbons RW. Finding Langworthy: the last years of a chiropractic pioneer. 2003;23(1):9-17.

Troyanovich SJ, Coleman RR. Origins of the use of mechanical traction for reduction of the chiropractic subluxation. 2004;24(2):35-44.

++Lee, Herbert K.

Brown DM. CMCC’s Board of Governors: its commitment to increase revenues from non-tuition sources, 1981-2011. 2012;32(2):35-48.

Callender AK. A moment of silence for Herbert K. Lee, DC., b. 1910 – d. 2012. 2013;32(2):7.

++Lee, Lyndon Edmund

Editor. Lyndon Edmund Lee, D.C., 1887-1983. 1983;3:7.

Rehm WS. In tribute to a living pioneer: Dr. Lyndon Edmund Lee. 1981;1:46-50.

++Lee, Warren C.

Coloma J, Green B. Warren C. Lee, D.C. and Arlan W. Fuhr, D.C., developers of Activator Methods chiropractic technique. 2002;22(2):45-46.

++Lensgraf Family

Lensgraf AG. The Lensgraf chiropractors: three generations of practitioners. 1990;10(2):12-15.

++Leffman, Egon

Rehm WS. Dr. Egon Leffman: a fine teacher and a charming man. 1997;17(2):13.

++Leventhal, Bernard

Leventhal WS. The struggle for unity, survival and public confidence in the California Chiropractic Association, 1959-1962: An appreciation of the leadership of North Hollywood’s Dr. Bernard Leventhal, D.C. 2005;25(1):15-22.

++Lewis, Kenneth S.

Brown DM. Kenneth S. Lewis, DC: an industrious and resourceful CMCC pioneer. 2015;35(1):59-70.

++Ligeros, Kleanthis A.

Ktenas SD, Callender AK. Kleanthis A. Ligeros: the pioneer of modern chiropractic in Greece. 2015;35(1):23-31.

++Lillard, Harvey

Editor. A historical connection. 1983;3:7.

Foley J, Mirasol J. Valdeenia “Lillard” Simons: revealing the ruse and evaluating her impact on the persona of Harvey Lillard. 2017;27(2):54-70.

Troyanovich S, Troyanovich J. Reflections on the birth date of chiropractic. 2013;33(2):20-32.

Tor JV, Foley J. T4 vs C2: examining the conflicting statements of D.D. Palmer and B.J. Palmer regarding the Harvey Lillard adjustment. 2015;35(2):68-79.

Weiss LD. William Harvey Lillard: the life and story of the first. 2014;34(2):42-48.

Westbrooks B. Troubled legacy of Harvey Lillard: the black experience in chiropractic. 1982;2:46-53.

++Loban, Joy

Gibbons RW. Filling in the dates: completing the lives of two of chiropractic’s early pioneers. 2003;23(1):19-20

Gibbons RW. Joy Loban and Andrew P. Davis: itinerant healers and schoolmen. 1910-1923. 1991;11(1):22-28.

++Logan, Hugh Benedict

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